Hatunmachay Rock Forest - full day

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 14 Stunden

Hatunmachay is one of the highest crags in the world (4290m.a.s.l) with a mystic rock forest formed by the erosion of time, located at about 80km south side Huaraz; Since around 2005 it become popular for rock climbing and some interested on sightseeing as the place is a magnificent panoramic Landscape.

Hatunmachay is a mystic rock forest formed by the erosion of time and one of the most impressive geological attractions of the region. Hatunmachay which in Quechua language means Big Cave - is a drive 1 1/2 hours from Huaraz, situated in the Cordillera Negra (Black Mountain Range) at an altitude of 4290 m.a.s.l. The area is over 200 hectares in total and offers in its many sectors caves ruins, and stone carvings and paintings dating back 10,000 years.

Today Hatunmachay is the largest Rock Climbing Centre in Peru. There is an extensive variety of all levels sport routes from absolute beginner to the truly hard core. Hatunmachay is also a boulder dream with enough problems to last a life time.

On top of climbing, Hatunmachay also offers alternative activities such as mountain biking, trekking, archaeological and mystic tours and horse riding.

This is not all, Hatunmachay now has his own refuge sleeping up to 50 people. The Refuge offer beds, kitchen facilities, camping and bathrooms, the hut remains burnt out. However, it is possible to stay in some of the smaller huts, bedding.

Hatun Machay is a sport climber’s paradise, with bolted routs ranging from level 4 up to 8a. There are also hundreds of bouldering routes within a 15 minutes walk of the refuge, ranging from mild difficulty to near-impossible.

The most developed area to date is the northern sector, which faces the refuge, but whole areas are being added every month as we open up the amazing potential of Hatunmachay.

Hatun Machay now boats more than 250 sport routs in a radius of 1 Km or so. A detailed topographical map is available with routes, names, grades, heights and quality at climbs.

Hatun Machay is now considered the number one rock climbing destination in Peru, because of this and much more Hatunmachay is a place you can't miss


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