Full Day Masai Village Tour - Kajiado fro Nairobi

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 290 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 9 Stunden

This tour starts with pick up at 7 am from your place of stay or from the airport then you will be driven through the busy Mombasa road to arrive at Kajiado or /Narok county at 10 am.

Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by this indigenous tribe of Masai people to their original homes known as Manyattas; this being a culture tour, you will be introduced to famous members of the family [ clan] then followed by prayers with traditional songs.

A local guide will take you through their cultures and the activities they do to earn their living. you will have to make a friend from this welcoming community and have a lifetime memory experience before leaving their homes at 3 pm.

Drive back to the city with lunch on the way


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