Step Back In Time

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

This Tour is designed to display the rich Goan Cultural Traditions of Yesteryear’s . The Day begins by visiting a Goan museum called Goa Chitra which is a tribute by its founder to his ancestors and to their way of life using age-old wisdom passed down through generations. It is an unique collection and display of traditional farming implements and other ancient tools of trade.

A visit to a Heritage Mansion situated in the village of Chandor formerly known as Chandrapur the first official capital of Goa. The Mansion belongs to a prominent Elite Goan Family.

Please Note no photographs are allowed at the Mansion.

An Option to visit another Palatial house called Palácio do Deão which was built in 1787, by a Portuguese Priest Jose Paulo, who was Dean of the Church and the Founder of Quepem town. It is built in an unusual style of architecture and has an interesting blend of Hindu and Portuguese cultures.

Visitors can enjoy Indo-Portuguese cuisine on the belvedere of Palácio do Deão cooked by Goan Family , overlooking the Kushavati River on prior booking subject to availability on direct payment.

Lunch is not included in the tour price.

Tour Itinerary

1) Visit Of Goa Chitra Entry

2) Visit of Heritage Mansion Braganca Pereira Chandor

3) An optional visit to another Heritage Mansion Palácio Do Deão

4) If you decide not to Visit the Mansion Palácio Do Deão Quepem you can visit the Utorda Beach leisure time at a beach restaurant where you can have your lunch.

What’s Included:

1) Entries to Goa Chitra and Braganca Pereira Mansion

2) Air conditioned Vehicle

3) English Speaking Local Guide

4) 500ML Bottles of Cold Water

What’s Not Included:

1) Lunch : There are two options which are as follows below

A. At Palácio Do Deão a traditional Goan four course meal cooked by a Goan Family . The cost of the lunch is Rs1200/- per person this cost is not included in the price of the tour. No Beverages are included in the lunch price.


B. Drive down to the Utorda Beach and have lunch at a renowned restaurant.


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