Old Goa Heritage Walk

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 13 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Stunden

The old capital city was one of the most flourishing cities across the world way back in the 16th and 17th centuries. It was a famous entrepôt for a lot of traders. The former capital city was known as the Rome of the East or the pearl of the orient because of it’s influential trading activities . After the city was struck by diseases and epidemics and the capital relocated to its new location the once former capital of Goa was left with a rich influence of Catholic Churches.

We will be walking throughout the former capital beginning with the Chapel of Saint Catherine and ending at the tower of saint Augustine.


1. Meeting point RatnaSagar Restaurant Old Goa

2. Chapel of Saint Catherine

3. Viceroys Arch

4. Church of Saint Cajetan

5. Se Cathedral Church

6. Basílica of Bom Jesus

7. Saint Augustine Tower old Goa

What is included:

1. 500 ml of bottled water per person.

2. Guiding Fees.

What’s Not included :

1. As this is a walking tour no pick up or drop off to your respective hotel will be arranged. { No Transport Included }

2. No snacks or beverages will be provided.

3. No Entry fees to any of the monuments or museums.

Things to bear in Mind:

1. Old Goa is a green zone NO SMOKING 🚭 in and around the vicinity.

2. A strict decorum for Attire is to be maintained:

A. No shorts pants to be worn

B. No sleeveless Top’s or vests to be worn

C. No light or see through clothing to be worn

Please bring your own shawls to cover up your bare shoulders if wearing sleeveless tops or short pants as this will not be provided.

3. With the ongoing pandemic in mind strict SOPs by the authorities will be followed at Old Goa permission for entry to the monuments is at the sole discretion of the authorities.

4. No Photography Allowed in the Basilica of Bom Jesus and Sé Cathedral.


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