Patan Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

Exploring Patan Durbar Square unfolds a mesmerizing journey into the heart of Patan, an ancient gem nestled in Nepal's Kathmandu Valley. With its UNESCO World Heritage status, this square boasts an illustrious reputation for its Newar architectural wonders, a rich tapestry of culture, and historical eminence. Here's a unique perspective on what awaits you during your Patan Durbar Square adventure:

Historical Gem: Patan Durbar Square, in the Kathmandu Valley, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was once the royal palace of the Malla kings and has a history dating back to the 3rd century AD.

Newar Architecture: The square is a masterpiece of Newar architecture, featuring intricately carved wooden structures and pagoda-style temples.

Krishna Mandir: The square's highlight is the Krishna Mandir, a stunning temple dedicated to Lord Krishna, adorned with intricate carvings.

Patan Museum: Nearby, the Patan Museum showcases traditional Nepali art and culture.

Local Life: As you explore, you'll interact with locals, witness daily rituals, and might even see artisans at work.

Shopping and Dining: The area offers shops with Nepali handicrafts and restaurants serving authentic cuisine.


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