Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen

Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek is one of the most popular and iconic trekking adventures in the world. It offers trekkers a chance to experience Sherpa Local culture, the unique landscape, and the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas, including the world's tallest peak, Mount Everest (Sagarmatha in Nepali and Chomolungma in Tibetan). It is a 14-day trek including 2 nights in Kathmandu before and after the trek.

This cost includes domestic flight, guide,

whole accommodation, food, permit, and transportation.

Major Highlights of Everest Base camp Tour :

Scenic Flight: The adventure usually starts with a thrilling flight from Kathmandu to Lukla, which offers stunning views of the Himalayas.

Sagarmatha National Park: Trekking through this national park provides opportunities to see diverse flora and fauna, including rhododendron forests, rare wildlife, and a variety of bird species.

Sherpa Culture: The Khumbu region is home to the Sherpa people, renowned for their mountaineering skills. Trekkers can immerse themselves in Sherpa culture, visit monasteries, and experience warm hospitality.

Namche Bazaar: A bustling mountain town on the trekking route, Namche Bazaar is a hub for trekkers and climbers. It offers shops, restaurants, and breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.

Tengboche Monastery: This ancient Tibetan Buddhist monastery is a spiritual center and offers stunning views of Mount Everest and other Himalayan peaks.

Everest Base Camp: The ultimate goal of the trek is to reach Everest Base Camp itself, where climbers from around the world gather to begin their ascent of Mount Everest. Trekkers can stand at the foot of the world's tallest mountain and take in the awe-inspiring surroundings.

Kala Patthar: A popular side trek, Kala Patthar offers one of the best viewpoints for a close-up view of Mount Everest. It's often visited for sunrise or sunset views.


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