Historical Downtown Lisbon Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 20 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

Whether you are a tourist, an ex-pat, or even a local, this historical, city center walking tour is made for those who want to get a better understanding of Lisbon's rich history while making new friends.

We will leave from Rossio square, the heart of the city, and head up to explore the classic neighborhoods of Chiado and Princípe Real and the bohemian neighborhood of Bairro Alto, while bypassing beautiful churches such as S. Domingos (XIII century), the Carmo Convent (XIV century) and S. Roque (XVI century), as well as seeing some Neo-Manueline architecture, intriguing azuleijos ´tiles´, and trendy cafés and restaurants.

I am a Ph.D. title candidate in Anthropology at the Nova University of Lisbon and have worked as a tour guide for some of the city's major walking tour companies for several years, meaning I have done hundreds of tours around Portugal. However, I believe now it is time to do my own thing, without having to follow a company's script and free to use my own story-telling skills.

A main difference between this proposal and other walking tours is that I want people to connect with each other and, after the tour is over, we can all share some drinks at a local bar.

We will cover in this tour:

- The earthquake of 1755 and the reconstruction of the city by Prime Minister Marquês de Pombal.

- The Inquisition and persecution of Jews and Muslims.

- The restoration wars and their consequences.

-Ulysses and the mythological foundation of Lisbon.

- Santa Justa Elevador, Carmo Square, São Pedro de Alcântara Miradouro and much more.

The tour can always be adjusted upon demand and weather conditions. The duration of the tour is of approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes.


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