Sprache Englisch
Kosten 96 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Getting tiered of local foods in fancy restaurants!

Experience all the local food underlying the city Of Dar es salaam. This tour evolves around getting to see how the food for most of the local people is prepared and served in the streets, markets and outside of homes.

You will also visit local neighborhoods where real locals live and eat. You aren’t going to find any other tourists here, or run into other tour groups. This is because this is a real local food tour crafted to boost the awareness of 60% of Tanzanians and boost their economy. This tour will take you to many personal, family-owned and often specialize in only one dish, which means the quality is high and the flavor is even better. These places wouldn’t survive without regulars, that’s how you know it’s good.

This is not a typical tasting tour, if you leave hungry or thirsty, I won't have done my job. They will be plenty local food for you to eat.


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