Sprache Englisch
Kosten 235 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 9 Stunden

Bagamoyo -- a mainland port close to Zanzibar -- has a checkered history indeed. It once served as a crossroads for trade caravans and for markets dealing in slaves and ivory. It was the terminus of missions and the site of the first Roman Catholic Church in Tanzania. The body of David Livingstone was brought here, carried for hundreds of miles from the interior, in 1874. European explorers such as Speke, Burton, Stanley, Peters and Emin Pascha all visited Bagamoyo at one time or another.

Your tour begins with the drive north. You'll stop at the Kaole Ruins to see the remains of mosques and tombs thought to have been in use between the 3rd and 4th centuries. From here, continue your drive to Bagmoyo.

Enjoy a buffet lunch at a local restaurant, followed by traditional dances performed by students from Bagamoyo College of Art.

Explore the sites of Bagamoyo. The Holy Ghost Mission consists of several buildings, including the First Church, which was established in 1872, the Father's House, the Mission Museum and the New Church, constructed from coral bricks in the early 1900s.

You will have a brief stop at the Old Fort for photos. Dating from around 1860, the initial purpose of the Old Fort was to hold slaves until they could be shipped to the larger market at Zanzibar. With its three stories, buttresses and battlements, it is quite an impressive sight. The building was used as a police post until 1992.

At the conclusion of your visit, relax for the return journey to Dar es Salaam.

° Get an overview of Bagamoyo’s important highlights

° Spend time relaxing on the beach at the end of the tour.

° Tuck into a Tanzanian lunch at a local restaurant

° Experience a truly personalized experience


What's Included

° Lunch

° Air-conditioned vehicle

° All Fees and Taxes

° Bottled water

° Breakfast


Start time

° 07:30 AM

NOTE: Time can be adjusted upon request.

Pickup details.

° Advise where you staying and our driver will pick you up


Departure and return

° Start:Multiple pickup locations offered.

Pickup details

° Hotel pickup offered

During checkout you will be able to select from the list of included hotels.

° Airport pickup offered

During checkout you will be able to select from the list of included airports.

Julius Nyerere International Airport.

° Port pickup offered

During checkout you will be able to select from the list of included ports.

@ Zanzibar Ferry Port

End:This activity ends back at the meeting point.


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