1-Day Start from Zanzibar to Tarangire National Park Then Fly Back Zanzibar

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 864 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Today's itinerary commences with a drive from Zanzibar Airport to catch a flight to Arusha. Upon arrival, you will be greeted and proceed to Tarangire National Park for an exciting game drive. Following the wildlife exploration, the journey returns to Arusha, where you will then head to Kilimanjaro International Airport for your homeward-bound flight. Lunch will be provided, and each person will receive daily provisions of drinking water.

Spanning nearly 3000 square kilometers, Tarangire National Park is renowned for its vast elephant populations and iconic baobab trees. The park derives its name from the Tarangire River, meandering through its expanse. Particularly captivating during the dry season (June - November), the park rivals the Serengeti in wildlife concentrations, as herds of elephants and other animals converge on the Tarangire River, their primary water source. Boasting diverse habitats and the perennial waters of the Tarangire River, the park is home to over 2000 elephants and an impressive array of 500 bird species.


Located approximately 120 kilometers southwest of Arusha City, Tarangire National Park boasts the highest density of African Elephants per square kilometer compared to any other national park in the country.

Named after the Tarangire River, which courses through its center, the park serves as a vital dry season sanctuary for wildlife, particularly elephants. Tarangire is home to a variety of threatened and endangered species, including ebony trees, pythons, cheetahs, African wild dogs, lesser and greater Kudu, Beisa Oryx, Gerenuk, and more.

The avian diversity in Tarangire is truly remarkable, with an astounding 550 recorded bird species— surpassing the number found in the renowned Serengeti. This park stands as a haven for both wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists alike.

Important to Know

This tour is not available to single travelers. (option for one paying for a two person package is available)

Rates are per person and exclude the international flight from/to your home country.

This tour accepts children of all ages. Children under 16 receive a discount and children under 2 are free.

Rates include a fixed budget for flights during this tour. Flights may cost more, depending on travel dates. If so, your quote will reflect this.


This tour starts and ends in Zanzibar

This operator can help select your international flights, but you'll have to book them yourself

Fly to/from Abeid Amani Karume Airport in Zanzibar. Or fly to/from Dar es Salaam. There are daily ferries between Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar.

A transfer from and back to the airport can be arranged for an extra cost

Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour cannot be arranged by this operator


Park fees(For non-residents)

All activities(Unless labeled as optional)

A professional driver/guide

All transportation(Unless labeled as optional)

All flights during the tour

All Taxes/VAT

Lunch (Breakfast & dinner not included)

Non-alcoholic drinks


International flights(From/to home)

Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour

Tips(Tipping guideline US$10.00 pp per day)

Personal items (Souvenirs, travel insurance and visa fees)


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