Bamyan and Jam minaret tour

Sprache Englisch, persisch, Pushto
Kosten 1600 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

Day 1

airport pick up

Day 2 Kabul - Bamyan

departure from Kabul to Bamyan

Arrival aroun 01:00PM in Bamyan

lunch in Bamyan.

after lunch head toward Band-e-Amir Lake

overnight in Bmyan Ghulghula Hotel

Day 3 Bamyan

visit buddha complex, Shahr-e-Ghulghula and the red city

Day 4 Bamyan Ghor

07:00AM breakfast after breakfast head toward Ghor province, lunch on the way dinner and over night in Ghor.

Day 5 Ghor - Jam minaret

Early on the morning breakfast after breakfast head toward Jam minaret lunch near Jam minaret after lunch head back to Ghor city dinner and overnight in Cheghcheran city.

Day 6 Ghor - Bamyan

breakfast after breakfast head towrad Bamyan lunch on the way in a local restaurant dinner and overnight in Bamyan

Day 7 Bamyan - Kabul

breakfast first after breakfast head toward Kabul lunch in Kabul, afternoon Kabul city tour dinner and overnight in Kabul.

Day 8 airport drop off

breakfast after breakfst leave hotel and going to visit Kabul Museum and then going to airport drop off and end of the tour.


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