Seven days: Bamyan, Kabul, Ghazni

Sprache Englisch, persisch, Pushto, Urdu
Kosten 1300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche

7days Itinerary

Day 1 – Kabul

Airport pick up in Kabul at 06:PM

Meet your guide and receive a short briefing about travelling in Afghanistan.

Check into your central hotel

Dinner and overnight in Safi Landmark Hotel Kabul.

Day2 – Kabul city tour

00:07AM breakfast

Kabul National Museum. Its collection was once one of the most important in Central Asia, with over 100,000 items dating back several millennia. At the start of the civil war, in 1992, the museum was looted numerous times, resulting in the loss of 70% of the collection. Since 2007, a number of international organizations have helped the Afghan government recover more than 8,000 artefacts.

Sakhi Shrine (Hazrat Ali mausoleum) or blue mosque

Babur’s Gardens a peaceful oasis in a chaotic city.

Dinner in Cafeteria Restaurant and overnight in Safi Landmark Hotel Kabul

Day 3 – Kabul to Bamyan

Breakfast at 07:00AM

Head to Bamyan at 08:AM from Kabul it’s four hours driving, on the way to Bamyan you can see a lot of natural beauties

Lunch in Gholghola Hotel and restaurant

Sightseeing of Buddha complex

Dinner and overnight in Gholghola Hotel and restaurant

Day 4 – Bamyan Band-e-Amir

Breakfast at 07:00AM

Head toward Band-e-Amir at 08:00AM

Lunch in a local cave in Band-e-Amir and all day Exploring Band-e-Amir Lakes

At 04:30PM head back to Bamyan dinner and overnight in Gholghola Hotel

Day 5 – Bamyan to Kabul

Breakfast at 07:00AM

08:00AM start driving toward Kabul

Lunch in Bukhara Restaurant after lunch Kabul city tour

Dinner and overnight in Safi landmark Hotel

Day 6 – Ghazni

Breakfast at 07:00AM

08:00AM Departure from Kabul to Ghazni three hours drivin

Ghazni tour, visiting Ghazni Minarets and Ghazni old city and Citadel

Lunch in Ghazni city after lunch head back to Kabul

Dinner and overnight in Kabul

Day 7 leave Kabul

Airport drop off and end of the tour

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