Private Day Tour to Chefchaouen from Fes

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 160 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

The full day trip from fes to chefchaouen is one of the recommended day trips from fes to explore the rif mountains in Morocco and admire the charm of the bleu city. Recognized by its blue and white colors, chefchaouen considered one of the beautiful and attractive cities in Morocco.

Your driver will pick you up from your accommodation at 8AM to strat your explorative journey, we will drive along the Rif mountais to reach Chefchaouen or chaouen the blue city.

Once in Chauen (also known as Chefchauen) you will have 5 hours of free time to tour the city at your leisure.

Inside the medina you can not miss the Uta el-Hammam square (the heart of the city and the ideal place to eat), the Great Mosque (with a curious octagonal tower) and the Kasbah (containing a garden, a museum and an art Gallery).

Leaving the medina, the most famous point is the Ras El-Maa waterfall, where the sound of the water and the green hills provide a great dose of fresh air. If you keep walking, you will get a beautiful view of the city.

We will be back to Fez around 7:00 p.m. The tour will end in your accommodation or wherever you want



• Hotel pickup and drop-off

• Transport with professional driver

• Vehicle conditioning and very comfortable

• Transportation Insurance

• Service quality


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