Trang an Ninh binh

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Located east of Ninh Binh province, covering almost 2000 hectares, Trang An eco-tourism complex is divided into 5 sections: a specially preserved area - Hoa Lu ancient citadel, a central area, a natural area of grottoes and caves, a tourist service area, and a holy mountain of Bai Dinh area.

Bai Dinh Pagoda in the northern, of Ninh Binh province, not only has the tallest and heaviest bronze statue of Buddha but many other records besides, now is home to the largest pagoda in Vietnam. It is a good chance to view the landscape as well as greenfield along the road.

Let's explore together the Ha Long bay on land with locals!


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