Lagos/Kano Tabaski Durbar tour in 6 days with confidence

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 1984 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Tage

Lagos/Kano Tabaski Durbar tour in 6 days with confidence

Dates: July

Day 1: Lagos

Arrival and pickup by confidence. Drop off at the hotel: Sheraton hotel or similar. 34 minutes (29km).

Day 2 : - Badagry

We shall leave Lagos mainland early in the morning onward to badagry and then visit the Abbas's seriki slave museum, mobi slave museum,the first story building and may explore some local markets. Return to trip to Lagos main. Hotel: Sheraton or similar 3hr, 90 minutes (95km) to go and also to return.

Day 3 : - Lagos city tour

Makoko floating slum

Kalakuta republic/the african shrine

The national museum

Lekki conservation center( longest canopy walk)

Nike art gallery, Jankara market

The craft market.

Hotel: Sheraton or similar

From hotel to lekki conservation is 1hr:53 minutes(59km) and we are doing a full day tour of 8 hours in Lagos.

Day 4: -- Kano tabaski Experience

leave early morning and pick you up from the hotel for airport transfer for departure flight to Kano. Arrive Kano and we shall join the horse procession to experience the Tabiski/Durbar festival. 9 hours- Hotel: Bristol palace hotel

Day 5: - Tabaski Durbar experience

still on the Tabiski/ Durbar festival in the morning and then later in the day, explore the Kano city wall, the kofa mara dyeing pits and the great most of Kano. 9 hours Overnight in Bristol palace hotel.

Day 6: - Departure

visit the emirs palace and later proceed to the airport for departure.


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