7 days Lagos Nigeria business, cultural and investment insight trip

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 2350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

7 days Lagos Nigeria business,cultural and investment insight trip

The focus of this tour will be to discover and  explore investment opportunities in Nigeria. A country known for its vibrant economy and promising prospects. We shall also learn about the daily lifestyle, sports, the market environment and gain a deep understanding of the financial landscape, consumer behaviors, marketing practices, and other pertinent factors that will contribute to a successful venture.

Day 1-  Arrival in Lagos and Transfer to hotel Ivy for overnight.

Day 2- Makoko floating village,Nike art gallery, lekki conservation center, Jankara craft market . Overnight at hotel Ivy

Day 3:visit retail and wholesale businesses.  Major Market  tour . Computer village, China town , Alaba market or trade fair market visit.

Day 4:   Understanding the banking/financial sector- visiting banks(zenith, Uba,access) and getting in depth knowledge about account opening and types(fixed, current and saving accounts) and the corporate affairs commision . 

Day 5: Visiting sports (maybe a football academy), game centers,arcades, legal and authorized casinos in Nigeria .


Day 6  : Meet up with reputable brokerage firms, check out palmpay, opay and other retail offices in the alternative payment industry(e.g quickteller).

Day 7 : Relaxation and departure

What's included

Transport in air-condition car

Guide fee

Entrance fee


Not included

International flight

Local flight


Visa fee

Food(breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Items of personal nature

Anything not listed on what is included


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