Traditional Tattoo and Scarification

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 1300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche

Exploring and Comparing Tradition and Modern Tattoos and Scarification.

will like to invite you to explore traditional tattoo and scarification's experiences in Benin.

We have a special program for tattoos and scarification's culture and Hospitality : meet local people, typic tattoos villages, their way of being, life, and cultural dance.traditional houses,

Tattoos Museum, Tattoos villages, scarification and authentic village.

But also meet tattoos artists in their Shops and discuss and gathering or organizing meeting for Tattoos Fans and Artist.

Reach out to our team to organize Tattoos and scarification's Tour in Africa : modern tattoos artists and tattoos fan's.

➡️ 1300 USD per person, 7days:

➡️ Dates : Every Months excluding July and August

Group of 2:

Includes: Welcoming at the Airport, Accommodation, transfers, transport, fuel, Guides, visites, cruises boat,....

Excludes :Lunches and Diners, Visa, private need, extra pictures,

NB; The program or Tour could be arranged according to your availability and your time table with a wished number of visitors


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