Moray, Maras & Salt Mines Private Tour

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 130 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Maximize your vacation time in Cusco on a half-day tour. The adventure starts at Maras Colonial town, followed by the nearby Maras Salt Mines. Next, have your camera ready for the experimental agricultural terraces in Moray. Round-trip transportation enables you to complete this full itinerary and still get back to Cusco by lunchtime.

Maras Moray and Las Salineras, for this excursion we have guides prepared on the route and transportation with a qualified driver and the certifications for a calm and safe trip. Moray and salt mines enchant locals and strangers alike for their landscaping beauty and their houses even from the Colonial era.

Included in the Price:

- Private English or Spanish guide

- Private Transportation

- Hotel pickup and drop-off

- All activities

Not Included in the Price :

- Entrance fees per person: 70 Soles Moray, Salt Mines: 10 Soles

- Meals & Beverages

- Gratuities

- Accident and Health Insurance

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