Annapurna Base cam

Sprache Bengali, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch
Kosten 525 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 4 Tage

Annapurna Base Camp trek is one of the renowned treks listed among many trekking routes in Nepal. It is also known by another name which is 'Annapurna Sanctuary Trek'. This trek not only gives the experience of the mystical Himalayas, evergreen forest, flora and fauna, on the other hand, it connects with the culture and linguistic diversity present in Nepal. The base camp trek is well known among South Asian countries and fall under the category in which trekkers can pass through two base camps.

The majestic bird-eye view of the Glaciers, Mountain, Hot springs, Gurung community, a highest and longest suspension bridge of Kaski are some major attractions. More to this trekking and travelling is the utterance of your own self with the exploration and discovery which differs from one to another human.

What does it take to conquer the pinnacle of the mystic Snow-capped Himalayas? Anyone might ask. - It takes a lot of commitment, dedication, team, and skill to endeavour the forehead however one can always fulfil their dream in a country like no other, Nepal. Nepal nation of Himalayas, which consists of 1,310 peaks above 6,000 meters and out of 10 highest peak 8 peaks lies in Nepal, which makes our Nation a promised land for Mountaineer and trekkers and on this note, you will know about Annapurna Base Camp trek


Step 1- arrival at Kathmandu

Step 2- Kathmandu to Pokhara(4-5 hours drive)

Step 3- Pokhara to Kande(3 hours drive)

Step 4- Kande - Landruk (4-5 hours walk)

Step 5- Landruk lower Sinuwa(4-5 hours walk)

Step 6- Lower Sinuwa - Deurali (5 hours walk)

Step 7- Deurali- Annapurna Base camp,(3 hours walk)

Step 8- Annapurna Base camp- upper Sinuwa

Step 9- upper Sinuwa Ghandruk (3-4 hours walk)

Step 10- Ghandruk- Pokhara,(3 hours drive)

Step 11- Pokhara Kathmandu (4 hours drive)


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