Day Tour To The Pyramids Of Giza , The Egyptian Museum and The Bazaar

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Tour Details :

Egypt is considered the biggest historical museum all over the world and that’s why the main target of every tourist is visiting the pyramids.

Your tour will start at 8:00am and your guide will be waiting for you at the hotel lobby to pick you up heading to the pyramids of Giza Cheops,Chephren and Mykerinus,you will be scorted to visit the Great Sphinx and the temple of the Valley to take many awesome photos.

After that you will move to the Egyptian museum of Cairo to see the important antiquities and the collection of king Tut Ankhamon ,the Golden King.

Then proceed to the Open Market named by Khan Al khalili ,the Bazaar where you will have a wonderful chance to explore the locals life and get some souvenirs.

Then you will be back to your hotel in Cairo.

All transfers by Private A/C vehicle.


Hotel Pick Up and Drop Off

Entrance Fees

Egyptologist Tour Guide

Lunch at Local Restaurant

A Bottle Of Water

All Services Charges and Taxes



Any Extra not Mentioned in Inclusions

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