Cairo Layover Tour

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 75 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

Trip Details :

Visit The most important highlight of Egypt, the pyramids of Giza and the Egyptian museum.

The tour guide Of Rica tours will pick you from the airport whenever you arrive to Egypt then you will start your tour at the Pyramids of Giza which is considered the main highlight of our history .you have the chance to explore one of the the seven wonders of the ancient world the great Pyramid of king khufu then you have the chance to make a camel ride around the pyramids to get the best photos and enjoy the panoramic view at the pyramids area then you will have your lunch at a local Egyptian restaurant then you will move directly to the Egyptian museum where you can see the golden treasure of king Tutankhamun, the golden king, there you will visit home of an extensive collection of the ancient Egyptian antiquities .After that you will be transferred back to the airport.

All transfers by private A/C vehicle cars


Pickup and Drop Off

Entrance Fees

Egyptologist Tour Guide

Lunch at Local Restaurant

A Bottle Of Water

All Service Charges and Taxes

Any Extra Not Mentioned In Inclusions

Entrance Fees Inside The Pyramids


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