Cairo By Night Tour

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 40 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Stunden

Trip Details :

Enjoy your time at Cairo and navigate to the streets of Cairo at night.

This activity starts before sunset to let you reach to the Nile before sunset and enjoy looking to the amazing view of the Nile during the sunset .

You will ride felucca on the Nile, then you will move with your local guide to the Cairo tower to see and enjoy the amazing view of the old and the new city from the top, after that you will be taken to the oldest market in Egypt named by Khan El Khalili where you can see the magic of the old Muslim constructions in the area and you will also enjoy the atmosphere the local city where you,can pick some local souvenirs with cheap price. During This activity you will have the chance to test the Egyptian local food named by koshari Abu Tarek restaurant , the oldest and the most famous kosheri restaurant in Egypt.

After enjoying your night you will be back to your hotel in Cairo.

All transfers private AC Cars.


Hotel Pickup and Drop Off Entrance Fees

Dinner In Kosheri Restaurant

A Bottle Of Water

All Service Charges and Taxes

Any Extra Not Mentioned In Inclusions


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