3 days in Istanbul

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 650 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Meeting at the agreed location. & Returning you safely to the agreed location.

Private Tour Itinerary:

Day 1:

- Topkapi Palace Museum (with the Harem) *

- Hagia Sophia (with the Upper Gallery)

- Blue Mosque

- Hippodrome

- Basilica Cistern

Day 2:

- Suleymaniye Mosque

- Grand Bazaar *

- Rustem Pasha Mosque

- Spice Bazaar

- Bosphorus tour on a public boat **

Day 3:

- Dolmabahce Palace Museum (with the Harem) *

- Taksim Square

- Istiklal Street

- Galata Tower

- Fener District

- Balat District

Included: Private guiding service by a licensed local guide, priority access (skip-the-line) for admission tickets.

Excluded: Admission tickets, transportation, food, drinks.

* Topkapi Palace Museum is closed on Tuesdays, Grand Bazaar is closed on Sundays, and Dolmabahce Palace Museum is closed on Mondays. Since this is a 3-day tour, we can easily modify the order of some visits and so, you can not miss visiting any of the sites in the itinerary.

** On request, Bosphorus tour could also be on a private yacht.

*** This is a 3-day tour (3 x 6 hours) and there will be a lunch break in a local restaurant on each day.

**** This is a walking tour. Please, wear comfortable shoes. If you stay in a walking distance to the sites in the itinerary, we do not need any transportation. We may take public transportation (i.e. tram, metro) if needed. Upon request, I can arrange a private van with a driver for you.

***** The total cost of this 3-day private excursion is 600 EUR and the number of participants is limited upto 5 people. 25 EUR (per additional participant on each day) required if your group is larger than 5. (Official Partner TURSAB Number: A-3000)

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