Sprache Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch, Nepali
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 11 Stunden

Well, this hike will take place in Lalitpur. It is famous for its pre-historic architecture, Temples, well-managed streets, lavishing Restaurant but the majority part of it falls on the Southern part.

Mostly, it occupies the forest and countryside comparing to Kathmandu which provides us with the opportunity to indulge yourself in Nature. And on this hike, we will be exploring a certain part of Lalitpur.

We will start our hike from Godawari. We will ascend through the jungle for 2 hours. Then, Chaap Kharka is the place at the foothill of Phulchowki Danda, it is an alternative path to Phulchowki. We will hike for 20 minutes in the surrounding village.

Later, we will hike up Lakuri Bhanjyang tower which is only 2 kilometres from Chapp Kharka. The tower provides the entire view of Bagmati.

Later, the path descends up to Lamatar which will take 1.5 hours. This hike is child-friendly and amazing for beginners.

Vehicle ,thamel,: Bhirkuti Mandap-Maitighar-Lagankhel-Satdobato-Godawari

Day Itinerary

6:45 Am: Meeting at Thamel

7:00 Am: Drive to Godawari Botinacial

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Hiking from Godawari to Chapakharka, decend down to Lamatar.

5:15 PM - Drive back to Thamel


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