Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

Have you ever been in a place where the clouds are below you? Well if not then Mardi Himal trek will definitely provide you with this opportunity if you are willing to go for it.

Mardi Himal lies in the Annapurna Region, it is the foreground peak seen beneath Mt Machhapuchhre (6,993 meters). It used to be an unknown trail for the trekkers however, the path was officially opened in 2012 and still a mostly visited place which can be completed in a short span of time.

This trek follows a ridge path which offers a majestic landscape view of Annapurna Range and Dhaulagiri Ranges located towards the west. The trail starts from an exquisite village situated at hilltop known as Kande later the terrain follows the dense forest of rhododendrons and oak of mid hilly region. The path heads towards North and as you ascend you will find yourself close to the mountain leaving the urbanised life below you. Crossing the verdant forest after a number of days will eventually take to the open land pronounced pasture land for the indegenious people. What shall follow is the enrapture feeling.

The trek kicks off from the Tourist Hub, Pokhara. Later an hour drive to the Gurung settlement known as Kande is the trek start point. This trek will bring nature close and provide the lifetime experience in Nepal. The crest offers the mystical view including Pokhara ,


Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu Transfer to Hotel* For Foreign guests.

Day 02: Drive to Kande and trek to Pothana (2,125 meters) - 3 hours walk

Day 03: Trek to Low Camp (2,950 meters)

Day 04: Trek to High Camp (3,550 meters)

Day 05: Hike to Mardi Base Camp and trek down to Sidding (4,500 meters)

Day 06: Drive to Pokhara

Day 07: Drive back to Kathmandu

Day 08: Final Departure


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