3-day Bhutan Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1155.39 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Take a quick but deep trip across Bhutan's captivating landscapes with our well planned 3-day tour, ideal for those looking for a quick yet memorable stay in this Himalayan nation. Bhutan's Shortest Tour The Kingdom of Bhutan is briefly and delightfully explored in 2 Nights 3 Days. A fast gazing excursion is the short itinerary of the Bhutan Tour's shortest version. Paro is a town with an international airport and a wealth of cultural attractions, including the Ta Dzong (which doubles as a view tower), Thangka, and a painting house. The town is also notable for housing old weaponry and cultural treasures. When you arrive, the stronghold of the jewelry mound will be ready for you. It is referred to as Rinpung Dzong.

With a leisurely schedule to see Paro, Tiger's Nest, or Taktshang Monastery—which need around five hours of walking—you will have the opportunity to soak in the distinctive landscape of the monastery perched on a cliff. It's a distinct feeling to trek to 2,950 meters (9,678 feet) above sea level. On the shortest trip, you will see Kyichu Lhakhang, which dates back to the 7th century, and Drukgyel Dzong, a ruined stronghold. A short trip in Bhutan offers a great view of Paro City, but the 3-day itinerary may also include Thimpu and its top attractions. We are also able to alter the trip schedule in accordance with your preferences.

Day 01: Fly in Paro

Day 02: Morning drive to Paro & Hike Tiger’s Nest (Taktsang)

Day 03: Departure from Paro International Airport


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