Bhutan Tour (4 Days)

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1222 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Tage

Start your journey in Paro, where a unique experience is guaranteed by the difficult landing at the international airport. Discover the revered Kyichu Lhakhang and the ancient Rinpung Dzong to get a true sense of Bhutanese Buddhism and architecture. See the exquisite beauty of the National Memorial Chorten and the majesty of the Buddha Dordenma Statue on your tour to Thimphu, the dynamic capital city. Travel the 108 memorial chortens across the spectacular Dochula Pass to Punakha, where you may explore the imposing Punakha Dzong and the enchanting Chimi Lhakhang.

The walk to the famous Paro Taktsang, also known as the Tiger's Nest, which is perched precariously on a cliffside, is the tour's high point and takes place on the last day. Make lifelong memories by fully experiencing Bhutan's natural beauty and cultural marvels. Come along for a four-day immersive experience that embodies the mystique of Bhutan.

Day 01: Arrive Paro, transfer to Thimphu

Day 02: Full day sightseeing Tour in Thimphu & Transfer to Paro

Day 03: In Paro, Hike Tiger's Nest and Sightseeing

Day 04: Paro – Departure


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