Paro Tshechu (Festival)

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

Besides the incredible natural scenery with untouched beauty, the Kingdom of Bhutan is also rich and popular in charismatic heritage, rewarding religion, and the country holds a number of stunning and colorful festivals each year. The most dramatic festival of Bhutan called “Tsechu” is typically performed in the Dozng yards of different districts including Paro, Thimphu, Punakha cities. The Paro Festival, or Paro Tshechu, is a premier cultural and spiritual event in Bhutan, celebrated with great fervor in the Paro Valley. Held annually around spring, the festival honors the birth of Guru Padmasambhava, the saint who introduced Tantric Buddhism to Bhutan. The festivities take place in the grand Paro Dzong, a fortress-monastery, symbolizing a blend of spiritual and historical heritage. A key highlight of the festival is the vibrant and colorful mask dances performed by monks and laymen, accompanied by music and chants. These dances are not just entertaining but are deeply symbolic, representing various aspects of Buddhist teachings and traditions. Additionally, the festival is marked by the display of a giant Thangka, a sacred Buddhist religious scroll, believed to confer blessings upon the viewers. The Paro Festival is a time for communal gathering, religious devotion, and cultural celebration, making it a cornerstone of Bhutanese identity and an enchanting experience for visitors.

The Paro festival in Bhutan is very popular as it is the grandest festival with varieties of mask dances performed by the monks of Rinpung Dzong and folk dances by the local people of Paro valley. The highlight of the festival is Throngdroel ceremony which takes place early in the morning (3 am) on the last day of the festival. The monks carry the Throngdroel (Large Thanka) which is around 400 years old and hang it from the building. The Buddhists believe that the mere sight of this Thanka can cleanse their sins. The people travel from far and wide and some even walk for days to get blessed with this Thanka.

The Paro Tshechu is held every spring and is one of the most colorful and significant events in Paro Dzongkhag (district). It is a 05 days festival.


,Day 01

1Bangkok/Kathmandu/New Delhi-Paro (2,250m)-Thimphu

Day 02

2Thimphu (2,320m)

Today, we see the attractions in and around Thimphu. Our first visit is the Buddha statue, the world’s biggest, at Kuenselphodrang, the place which also affords a nice overview of the city. From here, we move to the Takin Reserve and then to Sangaygang from where we get another perfect view of the sprawling city. We also visit the Textile Academy, the Folk Heritage Museum, the Art Academy, Memorial Stupa, the magnificent Trashi Chhodzong and the Parliament building.

Day 03

3Thimphu-Punakha (1,350m)

Day 04

4Punakha-Phobjikha (3,000m)

Today, we climb gradually to the glacial valley of Phobjikha (3,500m.) Here we see probably Bhutan’s biggest stretch of plains in the north which has been adopted by the elegant but endangered Black-Necked Crane as its winter home. There is an air of deep spirituality about this place as well as the iconic Gangtey Monastery, the seat of the revered Peling Branch of Vajrayana Buddhism, is located atop a mound here.

Day 05


Day 06


Day 07

7Paro (Festival attend)

Day 08


Day 09



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