Mount Lhotse Expedition Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 12500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Wochen 1 Tag

Mt.Lhotse is the fourth-highest in the world. It lies on the border of Nepal and Tibet and measures about 8,516m or 8.516 km. The long east-west crest of this mountain lies south of Mt. Everest while its vertical ridge of the height of 8000m, called the South Col, joins its summit with that of Mt.Everest. The entire Lhotse mountain itself is the combination of three summits, the Lhotse East or Middle, the Lhotse Shar, and finally, the Lhotse Main which measures 8413m,8383m, and 8516m respectively. Mount Lhotse Expedition is also an alternative route to reach Mt.Everest’s summit.

Mt.Lhotse provides a heartwarming experience to its climbers as well as is a great escape from the day-to-day hustle for those who want to have some adventure in their life. However, Mount Lhotse Expedition needs a lot of patience, courage as well as great guidance. This is where Marvel Trek comes into the picture.

Marvel Trek is an established licensed expedition company. It has been providing the best facilities and services to its climbers since 1998 along with some great experiences. We not only keep your safety as the priority. But also guide you to fulfill your wish of experiencing the thrill of climbing a mountain. The entire team of Marvel Trek is full of professionals who will be there to support and guide you throughout your mountaineering adventures.

Outline Itinerary,

Day 1: Arriving at a hotel in Kathmandu

Day 2: Briefing and preparation for the expedition

Day 3: Flying to Lukla and reach Phading through trekking

Day 4: Reaching Namche Bazaar through trekking

Day 5: Rest day at Namche Bazaar to adjust in the high altitude and low temperature

Day 6: Trekking to Tyangboche Monastery

Day 7: Trekking to Dingboche

Day 8: Trekking to Lobuche

Day 9: Trekking to Mt.Everest base camp

Day 10-50: Climbing Mt.Lhotse and returning back to the camp

Day 51: Packing and cleaning the base camp

Day 52: Trekking to Pheriche

Day 53: Trekking to Namche Bazaar

Day 54: Trekking to Lukla

Day 55: Flying back to Kathmandu

Day 56: Exploring Kathmandu

Day 57: Returning back home


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