Annapurna II Expedition Overview

Sprache Kantonesische, Englisch, Französisch, Hindi, Japanisch
Kosten 7700 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Wochen 6 Tage

The Annapurna II Expedition is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It’s the most beautiful mountain range in the world, filled with adventure and surrounded by breathtaking landscapes. Annapurna II is one of the peaks of the Annapurna massif and has a height of 7,973m (7.973 km). The Annapurna massif is huge and bears 16 peaks that stand at more than 6,000m, 13 peaks that stand at more than 7,000m, and one peak that stands at more than 8,000m. According to myths, this mountain is home to a Hindu goddess, Annapurna, who provides food and nourishment. This mountain also acts as a source of irrigation water for the lower lands. Hence, it was named ‘Annapurna’. The name came from the Sanskrit words ‘ Anna’ and ‘Purna’, which means ‘filled with food’.

Annapurna Middle lies in the Gandaki Zone of Nepal. It lies within the largest Nepalese conservation area called the Annapurna Conservation Area. This conservation area is home to many exotic plants, animals, and even seasonal migratory birds, which add more excitement to the expedition. This area also is famous for its many well-managed trekking routes. Also, one can experience great contrast in terms of the landscapes in this expedition. The Annapurna II Expedition offers you mesmerizing and refreshing views of greenery in the lower parts as you move forward. It offers you excellent and breathtaking views of the massive peaks

Outline Itinerary,

Day 1: Arriving at a hotel in Kathmandu

Day 2: Briefing and preparing for the expedition

Day 3: Flying to Pokhara

Day 4: Driving to Tatopani

Day 5: Flying to Basecamp via helicopter, camp will be set

Day 6-37: Climbing Annapurna II and returning back to Basecamp

Day 38: Flying back to Tatopani via helicopter

Day 39: Driving back to Pokhara and then catching flight to Kathmandu

Day 40: Exploring Kathmandu

Day 41: Returning home


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