Langtang Lirung-Expedition Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 5900 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Wochen 6 Tage

The Langtang Lirung Expedition is an exciting, extreme, and challenging expedition. Langtang Lirung is the highest peak within the Langtang mountain range in Nepal and stands tall at 7,227m ( 7.227km). This mountain is surrounded by Trishuli Gandaki valley in the west, SunKoshi valley in the east, and the renowned Shishapangma Peak in the west.

Langtang Lirung lies within the beautiful and diverse Langtang National Park. The park is home to diverse exotic flora and faunas. Climbers get to witness the untouched beauty of mother nature during the trip. The area has as diverse as eighteen types of vegetation. Besides these, the magnificent view seen from its summit is another treat to your eyes and heart. Various massive peaks of the Langtang range seen in its surrounding adds more worth to the trip. The Langtang Lirung Expedition provides an adventure-filled experience to its climbers. Langtang Lirung is the highest peak within the Langtang mountain range in Nepal and stands tall at 7,227m ( 7.227km). This mountain is surrounded by Trishuli Gandaki valley in the west, SunKoshi valley in the east, and the renowned Shishapangma Peak in the west.

Langtang Lirung lies within the beautiful and diverse Langtang National Park. The park is home to diverse exotic flora and faunas. Climbers get to witness the untouched beauty of mother nature during the trip. The area has as diverse as eighteen types of vegetation. Besides these, the magnificent view seen from its summit is another treat to your eyes and heart. Various massive peaks of the Langtang range seen in its surrounding adds more worth to the trip. The climb to Langtang Lirung provides an adventure-filled eexperience to its climbers.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arriving at a hotel in Kathmandu

Day 2-3: Briefing and preparing for the expedition

Day 4: Driving to Syabrubesi

Day 5: Trekking to Lama hotel

Day 6: Trekking to Langtang village

Day 7: Trekking to Kyanjin Gompa

Day 8: Rest day at Kyanjin Gompa to adjust in the high altitude and low temperature

Day 9: Trekking to Langtang Lirung Basecamp

Day 10-27: Climbing Langtang Lirung and returning back to the Basecamp

Day 28: Cleaning the place and preparing to return

Day 29: Trekking back to Langtang village

Day 30: Trekking back to Lama hotel

Day 31: Trekking back to Syabrubesi

Day 32: Driving back to Kathmandu

Day 33: Exploring Kathmandu

Day 34: Returning home,


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