Himalchuli Expedition Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 6400 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Wochen 3 Tage

Himalchuli Expedition enables you to experience the thrill of trekking and the beauty of the Himalayas. Himalchuli, the 18th tallest peak, stands tall at 7,893m (7.893km). It lies in the historically significant Gorkha district which falls in the western part of Nepal. The name ‘Himalchuli’, when translated in Nepali, stands for ‘peak of the mountain’. Often ‘Himalchuli’ is also written as two separate words, ‘Himal’ and ‘chuli’.This mountain is part of the Mansiri mountain range and has the magnificent Mt.Manaslu to its north. It is the second tallest peak within the Mansiri range. Moreover, it is well-known for its vast vertical relief, spreading over the local terrain. Himalchuli has three major peaks. The East stands at 7,893m, while the West peak stands at 7,540, and the North peak stands at 7,371m.

The route followed during Himalchuli Expedition is home to the breathtaking forest of rhododendron, pine trees, and magnolias. Besides these, one can also spot various rare animals on their way. This route also has many glaciers, rivers, waterfalls and other stunning views that make the trip to reach the summit more enjoyable and exciting. Once reaching the top, the mountain welcomes its climbers with mesmerizing views of the neighbouring mountains like the Shringi, Saula, Ngadi Chuli.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arriving at a hotel in Kathmandu

Day 2-3: Briefing and preparing for the expedition

Day 4: Driving to Aarkhet Bazaar or Solti Khola

Day 5: Trekking to Machhekhola

Day 6: Trekking to Jagat

Day 7: Trekking to Deng

Day 8: Trekking to Namrung

Day 9: Trekking to Himalchuli Basecamp

Day 10: Rest day to adjust in the high altitude and low temperature

Day 11-30: Climbing Himalchuli and returning back to the basecamp

Day 31: Trekking to Namrung

Day 32: Trekking back to Deng

Day 33: Trekking to Jagat

Day 34: Trekking to Machhakhola

Day 35: Trekking to Soti Khola

Day 36: Driving back to Kathmandu

Day 37: Exploring Kathmandu

Day 38: Returning home


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