Kanchenjunga Expedition – 52 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 15300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Wochen 5 Tage

Mt.Kanchenjunga standing tall with a height of 8,586m (8.568km) is the second tallest mountain in Nepal and the third in the world. The journey of the Kanchenjunga Expedition is something to cherish for life. It falls between Nepal and the Indian city Sikkim. The name comes from four Tibetian words; ‘gangs’ which represents snow, ‘chen’ which represents the great, ‘mzod’ which represents treasure and ‘inga’ which represents five.

All these words joined together to give the name ‘Kanchenjunga’, which means ‘the five treasures of the great snow’. As per myth that there are treasures of gold, stones, salts, medicines, and other valuables hidden within this mountain. The Kanchenjunga mountain range has five main summits; Kangbachen, Kanchenjunga West, Kanchenjunga South, Kanchenjunga Central and Kanchenjunga Main each standing tall at 7,903m, 8,505m, 8494m, 8484m and 8586m respectively.

Four routes are there to climb Mt.Kanchenjunga, out of which three routes are from Nepal and one is from Sikkim. However, there is a ban on the Sikkim route since 2000 by the Indian government. Kanchenjunga Expedition provides a heartwarming experience to its climbers as well as is a great escape from the day-to-day hustle for those who want to have some adventure in their life. However, climbing a mountain needs a lot of patience, courage as well as great and professional guidance.

The route leading to Mt.Kanchenjunga has a wide diversity of vegetation to see but at the same time, they are also filled with diverse climate and topography which makes the expedition hard. Not to forget, the glaciers, thick forest, pass, and the valley that lies on the way to the mountain which is a real challenge themselves. Also, these routes are one of the least explored ones.

Mount Kanchenjunga Expedition with Marvel Trek

All this will make the expedition refreshing as well as dangerous. This is where Marvel Trek comes into the picture. Marvel Trek is an expedition company that holds an established license for organizing thrilling adventures. It has been providing best facilities and services to its climbers since 1998 along with some great experiences.

We not only keep your safety as the priority. But also guide you to fulfil your wish of experiencing the thrill of climbing a mountain. The entire team of Marvel Trek is full of professionals who will be there to support and guide you throughout your mountaineering adventures.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arriving at a hotel in Kathmandu

Day 2: Briefing and preparation for the expedition

Day 3: Flying to Bhadrapur then driving to Phidim

Day 4: Driving to Khandenba

Day 5: Trekking to khewang, camp will be set

Day 6: Trekking to Yamphudin, camp will be set

Day 7: Rest day at Yamphudin to adjust in the high altitude and low temperature

Day 8: Trekking to Tortong, camp will be set

Day 9: Trekking to Tseram, camp will be set

Day 10: Trekking to Ramche, camp will be set

Day 11-12: Rest day at Ramche to adjust in the high altitude and low temperature

Day 13: Trekking to Glacier camp, camp will be set

Day 14: Trekking to Base camp

Day 15-43: Climbing Mt.Kanchenjunga and returning back to the base camp

Day 44: Trekking back to Ramche,camp will be set

Day 45: Trekking to Tortong,camp will be set

Day 46: Trekking back to Yamphudin, camp will be set

Day 47: Trekking back to Khewang, camp will be set

Day 48: Trekking back to Khandenba

Day 49: Driving back to Phidim and then back to Bhadrapur

Day 50: Flying back to Kathmandu

Day 51: Exploring Kathmandu

Day 52: Returning home


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