Ramdung Peak Climbing Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1390 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 2 Tage

Ramdung Peak lies at the height of 5930m, in border of Khumbu and upper Rolwaling valley in Eastern Nepal. The peak, also known as Ramdung Go, is tough and technical to climb. Ramdung Peak Climbing offers beautiful view of lush forest, hills, cultural villages of Sherpa, mesmerizing panorama of Himalayan ranges from Mount Everest to Langtang. Mount Gaurishankar and Melungtse being the most incredible one.

Ramdung Peak’s ascent comprises steep climbs and high elevations, requiring high climbing expertise and good physical fitness. A challenging trek over a jagged ridge, steep ice and snow slopes are part of the usual route to the summit. Because the summit is less well-known than other mountains, climbers should anticipate a more isolated and lonesome experience.

This trip also has uncountable attractions like Tashi Laptsa Pass, the hidden valley of Rolwaling, Na village, Yalung La, Yalung glaciers and many others. Bill Murray first climbed this peak in 1952, and since then, Ramdung peak has been gaining its popularity for trekking. Ramdung Peak climbing is a challenging and remote trek requiring proper planning and execution.

Our experienced climbers carefully plan the climbing schedule to ensure a steady rate of ascent and enough acclimatization. We will have porters to carry supplies, a dining tent, a sleeping tent, and other amenities for your comfort on the camping trek on Ramdung Peak Climbing. The Marvel Treks chef will prepare delicious dinners, and the camp will be a comfortable setting for sharing stories about the day’s highlights.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival at Kathmandu

Day 2: Kathmandu - Shingati 8-9

Day 3: Shingati - Jagat 6

Day 4: Jagat - Simigaon

Day 5: Simigaon - Daldungla

Day 6: Daldungla - Beding

Day 7: Beding - Na

Day 8: Na - Ramdung Base Camp

Day 9: Ramdung Base Camp - Ramdung High Camp

Day 10: High Camp - Ramdungback to Base Camp

Day 11: Base Camp - Tsho Rolpa

Day 12: Tsho Rolpa - Beding

Day 13: Beding - Daldungla

Day 14: Daldunla - Simigaon

Day 15: Simigaon - Jagat 6

Day 16: Jagat - Kathmandu


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