Gasherbrum II Expedition Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 8000 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 7 Wochen 1 Tag

Mt.Gasherbrum II is the main peak within the Gasherbrum peaks and the 13th tallest in the world, with a height of 8,034m (8.034km).

This mountain is also referred to as ‘Mt.K4’ as it is the 4th peak of the great Karakoram mountain range. The Karakoram range comprises a total of 35 peaks. The name Gasherbrum came from the words ‘rgasha’ and ‘brum’ meaning ‘beautiful mountain’ in the Balti language. Gasherbrum II Expedition gives a thrill of being able to climb an 8,000m mountain.

Mt. Gasherbrum II lies on the border of China and Pakistan. It is a good option for anyone who wants to try a less challenging climb among the mountains ranging above 8,000m.

This mountain comes in second place in low fatality rate making it one of the easiest and safest 8000m mountains. The number of successful attempts is also more for this mountain.

Gasherbrum II Expedition is accessible and is suitable as a practice before climbing other mountains of height more than 8,000m. Climbers have performed many fun activities even after reaching the summit.

They have snowboarded, parachuted, and even skied down from the summit. The climb to this mountain offers you excellent and breathtaking views of the surrounding massive peaks.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arriving at a hotel in Islamabad

Day 2: Flying to Skardu

Day 3: Resting for a day in Skardu

Day 4: Briefing and preparation for the expedition in Skardu

Day 5: Driving to Askole, camp will be set

Day 6: Trekking to Jhola, camp will be set

Day 7: Trekking to Paiyu, camp will be set

Day 8: Rest for a day in Paiyu

Day 9: Trekking to Urdukas, camp will be set

Day 10: Trekking to Goro II, camp will be set

Day 11: Trekking to Shagharing, camp will be set

Day 12: Trekking to Mt.Gasherbrum II base camp

Day 13-41: Climbing Mt.Gasherbrum II and returning back to basecamp

Day 42: Packing and cleaning the basecamp

Day 43: Trekking back to Goro II, camp will be set

Day 44: Trekking to Khurbutze, camp will be set

Day 45: Trekking to Mundung, camp will be set

Day 46: Trekking back to Askole, camp will be set

Day 47: Driving back to Skardu

Day 48: Flying back to Islamabad

Day 49: Resting for a day in Islamabad

Day 50: Returning back home


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