Chomo Lonzo Expedition Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 10800 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 7 Wochen 6 Tage

The Chomo Lonzo Expedition is the perfect opportunity to experience a truly unique and unforgettable mountaineering journey. Chomo Lonzo, standing tall at 7,804m (7.804 km), lies in Tibet. This mountain lies within the Mahalangur Himal and gets overshadowed by Makalu from the Nepalese side. The name ‘Chomo Lonzo’ represents the ‘ Bird Goddess’ when translated to Tibetan. The mountain has got this name because of its shape, which resembles an eagle spreading its wings. Chomo Lonzo has three major peaks. The Northwest peak stands at 7,200m, the central stand at 7,565m, and the southern at 7,804m.

Chomo Lonzo Expedition provides a heartwarming experience to its climbers and a great escape from their day-to-day hustle. The massive size of this mountain never fails to amaze its climbers. The beauty of the Kangshung valley is something to look forward to. The climbers. Also, the mesmerizing view of the surrounding mountains from the peak adds more meaning to the climb itself. All these make the expedition refreshing as well as adventurous.

Marvel Trek is an established licensed expedition company. It has been providing best facilities and services to its climbers since 1998 along with some great experiences. We not only keep your safety as the priority. But also guide you to fulfill your wish of experiencing the thrill of climbing a mountain. The entire team of Marvel Trek is full of professionals who will be there to support and guide you throughout your mountaineering adventures.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arriving at a hotel in Kathmandu

Day 2: Preparing to get a Tibetean Visa

Day 3: Briefing and preparing for the expedition

Day 4: Flying to Lhasa

Day 5-6: Leisure time in Lhasa to visit the local different nearby areas

Day 7: Driving to Youpa

Day 8: Trekking to Kharka valley

Day 9: Trekking to Chomo Lonzo Basecamp

Day 10-11: Rest days at Chomo Lonzo Chinese Basecamp to adjust in the high altitude and low temperature

Day 12-48: Climbing Chomo Lonzo and returning back to the Basecamp

Day 49: Cleaning the camp and preparing to leave

Day 50: Trekking back to Kharka Valley

Day 51: Trekking back to Youpa then driving to Kerung

Day 52: Driving back to Kathmandu

Day 53-54: Exploring Kathmandu

Day 55: Returning home


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