Nanda Devi Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 0 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 3 Tage

Nanda Devi, standing tall at 8,7861m (8.761km), is the second tallest mountain within India. It falls within the boundaries of Nepal and India and falls in the Uttarakhand state of India. It is part of the Garhwal Himalayas. The name ‘Nanda Devi’ refers to the guardian goddess of the Himalayas of this region. There is a belief that Nanda Devi is the goddess of bliss. So, if you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind experience in the Indian Himalayas, look no further! Nanda Devi Trek is your answer. In addition, this trek features exquisite nature wonders that are worth trekking.

The Nanda Devi peak lies within the beautiful Nanda Devi National Park. The park is home to many exotic flora and fauna and is one of the world heritage sites. Moreover, many rivers and glaciers within this area add more beauty to this area. Nanda Devi peak stands proudly surrounded by these beauties. One is not allowed to climb Nanda Devi’s peak despite being utterly beautiful and mesmerizing. The trek to Nanda Devi provides a heartwarming experience for its travelers. It is the perfect escape from the day-to-day hustle. The trekking route has a wide diversity of vegetation to see. The beautiful forest of rhododendron, birch, and other trees welcomes travelers. It makes the expedition exciting.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arriving at Delhi and travelling to Haridwar through AC train then transferring to a hotel in Rishikesh

Day 2: Driving to Joshimath and exploring Joshimath in evening

Day 3: Driving for an h

our to reach Lata village where our trekking team will be waiting for us ; Visiting Nanda Devi temple

Day 4: Trekking to Lata Kharak

Day 5: Trekking to Semi Kharak and returning back to Lata Kharak

Day 6: Trekking to Dharansi passing through Jhandi Dhar and Bagfyana pass, camp Will be set

Day 7: Trekking to Tolma village

Day 8: Trekking to Surai Thotta and driving to Karanprayag

Day 9: Driving back to Haridwar and flying to Delhi

Day 10: Returning home


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