Ismoil Somoni Peak Expedition Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 4500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Wochen 4 Tage

The highest peak in Pamir and the former USSR is Ismoil Somoni Peak. Evgeny Abalakov made the first ascent to the summit in 1933 while participating in the Tajik-Pamir expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences from a glacier Camp. The Ismoil Somoni Peak Expedition requires extreme fitness, technical climbing techniques knowledge, and ice climbing familiarity. A lot of side peak climbing is necessary for acclimatization training.

The Pamir region‘s northern-western region is home to Ismoil Somoni peak. Stalin Peak was its earlier name until 1962, when it got the rename as Communism Peak. A Soviet-German scientific expedition found the peak in 1928. The mountain got the new name of Ismail Somoni peak in 1999, when Tajikistan gained independence. This name was in honor of Ismail Samani of the Samanid Dynasty.

The Ismoil Somoni Peak Expedition typically begins in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, where climbers will arrange transportation to the mountain base. From there, they will begin the challenging climb to the summit.

The Expedition offers breathtaking views of the Pamir Mountains and a sense of accomplishment for those who reach the summit. It is a challenging but rewarding experience for experienced mountaineers seeking a new adventure.

The journey presents its difficulties despite being packed with thrills and excitement. Therefore, reaching the summit without the proper instructions and preparations is impossible. It is where Marvel Trek comes into the picture. The entire Marvel Trek staff consciously tries to offer you the most excellent services and amenities and ensure an unforgettable trip.

Marvel Treks is a licensed expedition company. It has provided its climbers with the best facilities and services since 1998 and some great experiences. We not only keep your safety as the priority. But also guide you to fulfill your wish of experiencing the thrill of climbing a mountain. The entire team of Marvel Treks is full of professionals who will support and guide you throughout your mountaineering adventures.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arriving at International Airport in Dushanbe, Tajikistan and transferring to Dzhirguital

Day 2: Flying to 4400m Basecamp at Moskvin Meadow through helicopter

Day 3-4: Rest days to adjust in the high altitude and low temperature

Day 5-6: Climbing 5,685 m tall Vorobiova Peak for acclimatization

Day 7: Resting and preparing for the next acclimatization climb

Day 8-10: Climbing 6,230m tall Chetyrekh Peak for acclimatization

Day 11-12: Resting and preparing for the next acclimatization climb

Day 13-17: Climbing 7,105m tall Korzhenevskaya Peak for acclimatization

Day 18-19: Resting and preparing for the actual climb

Day 20-25: Climbing Ismoil Somoni peak

Day 26-29: Reserve days in case of occurrence of bad weather

Day 30-31: Flying back to Dzhirguital and Dushanbe

Day 32: Flying back home


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