Elbrus Expedition – 8 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 0 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

Elbrus Expedition takes you to one of the seven summits. Mount Elbrus stands tall as the highest peak in Europe with a height of 5,642m ( 5.642km). Mt. Elbrus is a conical volcano with two volcanic summits: the western summit being the taller one with a height of 5,642m and the eastern summit with a height of 5,621m. Both of these are dormant volcanoes that still have the chance to erupt.

Mt.Elbrus was named after a great mountain from the Iranian myth. It lies in the southern region of Russia within the Prielbrusye National Park. The National Park is home to diverse natural forests, vegetation, and animals. The climbers get to experience various vegetation as well as climatic conditions during Mount Elbrus Expedition. They can also experience the magnificent views of the 22 glaciers. The glaciers have also given rise to other 77 sub glaciers.

These glaciers and sub-glaciers combine and source the Malka and Kuban rivers which add more beauty to the expedition. There are also many deep yet small lakes that the climbers have to pass. The climb to Mt.Elbrus is a great chance to connect with nature and to gather adventurousthe experience of climbing one of the seven summits.

This excursion is unforgettable because it combines stunning views, heart-pounding climbing, and a look at the area’s rich cultural legacy. Join us as we traverse untamed terrain, scale imposing summits, and forge lifelong memories. Prepare to add your chapter to the unforgettable Elbrus adventure.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Flying to Mineralnye Vody Airport and moving to Baksan’s Snowboard hotel.

Day 2: Hiking up to Mt. Cheget’s cable car station for accimilization

Day 3: Driving to Azau Glade then reaching the hut through cable car

Day 4: Hiking up to Pastukhova’s rock for accimilization

Day 5: Resting for a day in a hut

Day 6: Climbing the mountain and descending back

Day 7: Resting for a day or attempting again if the first try wasn’t successful

Day 8: Driving back to Mineralnye Vody Airport to return back home


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