Puncak Jaya Expedition – 10 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 26000 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 2 Tage

Puncak Jaya Expedition is an ideal way to embark on a journey to the summit of a peak. Puncak Jaya, also known as the Carstensz Pyramid, stands tall with a height of 4,484m (4.484km) in Papua Province of Indonesia. It is the highest peak within the Oceania continents. Despite being the smallest one among the seven summits, it still is the most exotic among all others. The name Puncak Jaya means ‘Glorious mountain’ in the native language.

Later, the peak was named Carstensz Pyramid to honor Jan Carstensz. Jan Carstensz was a Dutch explorer, who was the first one to witness the glaciers on the mountain’s peak. Puncak Jaya Expedition is a haven to many breathtaking glaciers. These remain more or less the same throughout the year because of their location in the equatorial area. There is not much fluctuation when it comes to temperature too. Besides the glaciers, the route to the mountain is exciting in itself.

One has to go through a rich rainforest to reach the summit. Climbers also have to travel through the beautiful beaches, making the trip to Puncak Jaya more exotic than any other peak. The remote location of the mountain adds more beauty to the trip. Climbers get to experience the untouched beauty of nature along with thrilling adventures. Puncak Jaya is a symbol of the splendor of nature and a testament to the will of people. A once-in-a-lifetime event, adventure combines the wonder of nature with the rush of breaking new ground.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Flying to Bali International Airport in Bali

Day 2: Briefing for the expeditions and flying to Timika at night

Day 3: Arriving to Timika then final briefing and preparation for the expedition

Day 4: Flying to Puncak Jaya Basecamp ( Carstensz Pyramid Basecamp ) through helicopter

Day 5: Resting for a day to adjust ourselves with the height and climate

Day 6: Climbing Puncak Jaya ( Carstensz Pyramid) and returning back to Basecamp

Day 7: Flying back to Timika through helicopter then flying to Bali if possible

Day 8: Flying back to Bali if wasn’t able to fly back the previous day

Day 9-10: If things didn’t go as schedule, using these days as reserve days Finally flying back to home


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