Ama Dablam Expedition – 31 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 2500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Wochen 3 Tage

Starting the Ama Dablam Expedition is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to test the limits of adventure and climb one of the most famous peaks in the world. Ama Dablam, also known as “Mother’s Necklace,” captivates mountaineers with its mighty presence in the Himalayas.

This incredible excursion guarantees an amazing journey that will push the boundaries of your physical and mental stamina. It rewards you with breathtaking sights and a sense of success unlike any other. Ama Dablam’s characteristic pyramid-shaped peak rises to an astounding elevation of 6,812 m in the Khumbu area of Nepal.

It is a compelling sight for trekkers because of its prominent location along the route to Everest Base Camp. Those looking for a proper climbing adventure will find an exhilarating setting on the mountain’s graceful slopes, steep ridges, and massive glaciers. Ama Dablam’s ascent calls for a high level of technical expertise and physical preparedness. The expedition necessitates mastery of high-altitude mountaineering methods, ice climbing, and rock climbing.

Even seasoned climbers find Ama Dablam’s steep slopes and exposed ridges to be a challenge, making it a popular location in fact for those eager to test their limits. The Ama Dablam Expedition has yielded incalculable benefits. Navigating the dangerous terrain will reward you with breathtaking panoramas of the Himalayan peaks including Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, and Makalu. The unmatched beauty of the landscape and the solitude experienced at high elevations provide climbers with an unforgettable, lingering experience.

In addition, The Ama Dablam Expedition places a high priority on safety and knowledgeable guides. Sherpas accompany climbers at every turn. These seasoned experts offer invaluable knowledge, assistance, and direction, guaranteeing a secure ascent. Besides its majestic allure beckons climbers to conquer Ama Dablam, challenging them to reach its summit in the Himalayas. Adventurers test their skills and determination as they tackle the daunting ascent of Ama Dablam in the Himalayan realm.

Without a doubt, Mountaineers seek thrilling expeditions in the Himalayas, making the conquest of Ama Dablam the ultimate achievement. Ama Dablam entices climbers to embrace the risks and rewards of scaling its magnificent slopes in the Himalayas. Climbers face the formidable task of conquering Ama Dablam, an awe-inspiring peak in the majestic Himalayan range.

The challenging Himalayan environment demands physical strength, technical expertise, and unwavering resolve in scaling Ama Dablam. Climbers embark on an exhilarating journey of courage, perseverance, and self-discovery as they ascend Ama Dablam in the Himalayas.

Lastly, Ama Dablam stands as a testament to climbers who dare to pursue their mountaineering dreams, showcasing their indomitable spirit. Climbers are pushed to their limits by the daunting vertical walls of Ama Dablam, requiring unwavering focus and determination. Its imposing presence in the Himalayas inspires mountaineers to surpass their boundaries and achieve greatness.

Outline Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival in Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu

Day 02: Kathmandu Cultural Tour & Permit Arrangement

Day 03: Kathmandu to Lukla Flight (2850m) trek to Phakding (2656m, 3 hrs walk)

Day 04: Phakding to Namche (3440m, 6 hrs walk)

Day 05: Rest day in Namche (3440m)

Day 06: Namche to Tengboche (3860m, 5 hrs walk)

Day07: Tengboche to Ama Dablam Base Camp (4570m, 6 hrs walk)

Day08: Acclimatization & Pre-climb training at Base Camp (4570m)

Day09-25: Expedition Period

Day26: Ama Dablam Base Camp to Tengboche

Day27: Tengboche to Monjo

Day28: Monjo to Lukla

Day29: Lukla to Kathmandu

Day30: Rest day/Shopping day in Kathmandu

Day31: Departure to Respective Destination


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