4 Days Mera Peak Climbing Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Tage

The 4 Days Mera Peak Climbing is an exhilarating adventure that takes you to the summit of Mera Peak, one of the highest trekking peaks in Nepal. This short climbing adventure is suitable for experienced trekkers who want to challenge themselves. One can experience the thrill of climbing a Himalayan peak in a relatively short time frame.

Mera Peak (6476m) is the highest trekking peak in Nepal, with its 3 summits, Mera North, Mera South, and Mera Central. It is one of the most popular and most climbed peaks which lies in the Sagarmatha region, Mahalangur range. Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and Sir Edmund Percival Hillary, who were the first climbers of Mount Everest, also started the trend of climbing the Mera Peak before and after the Everest ascent.

Since then, Mera Peak has always been people’s favorite. The trail to Mera Peak passes through unique Sherpa settlements, lush forests, suspension bridges, traditional Gompas, monasteries, and many more. However, an awe-inspiring view of Mt Everest, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, and Cho-Oyu from its summit is one of the finest attractions of this climb.

Passing through Sagarmatha National Park and Makalu Barun National Park, diverse flora and fauna, including beautiful Rhododendrons, fill the trails. Since it is comparatively easier than other peaks, it is ideal for beginners who want to learn mountaineering skills. You can combine Mera Peak with Island Peak since they are near but are separated by a high mountain range.

The 4 Days Mera Peak Climbing offers vistas of the Himalayas, stunning landscapes, and diverse flora and fauna. It is a challenging and rewarding journey for a thrilling adventure in a relatively short time frame.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Arrival at Khare

Day 2- Khare-High Camp (5-6 hours walk)

Day 3- High camp - Mera peak, back to Khare (8-9 hours walk)

Day 4- Return back from Khare


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