Island Peak Climbing Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1330 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 2 Tage

Island Peak climbing entails a walk through the spectacular Khumbu Valley, passing through charming towns, lovely valleys, and breathtaking vistas. The trip ends with a climb up Island Peak, which calls for some fundamental mountaineering abilities like the use of crampons and ice axes, as well as familiarity with roped climbing methods.

Island Peak is a mountain in the eastern part of Nepal, on the border of Nepal and Tibet. It lies at the head of Imja Khola valley and has the name, Imja Tse. The area is highly protected by Sagarmatha National Park, which includes diverse flora and fauna. In 1953, the British Mount Everest expedition named this peak an Island peak. This was because the peak appears as an Island in a sea of ice when viewed from Dingboche.

The Island peak is the continuation of the South Ridge of Lhotse Shar, separated by a col. Tenzing Norgay, Charles Evans, Alfred Gregory, Charles Wylie, and 7 other Sherpas first climbed the southwest of this peak in 1953. A British expedition that later summited Mount Everest had previously done it as a part of a training exercise. Hans-Rudolf Von Gunten was part of the Swiss team that first climbed the summit. Two Sherpas accompanied him. This climb was significant because it marked Mount Everest’s second ascent and Lhotse‘s first.

The Island peak climbing is technically challenging and risky, especially from the base camp. The low base camp of Island peak lies at an altitude of 5087m, and the high camp at 5600m. It is more likely to suffer mountain sickness from the base camp. Steep snow, frozen glaciers, and ice slopes heavily cover the trail to the summit. Having strong physical and mental fitness and the skills to use mountaineering gear is very important.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Kathmandu - Lukla, trek to Phakding (35 minutes flight, 3 hours walk)

Day 2: Phakding - Namche Bazaar (7-8 hours walk)

Day 3: Namche Bazaar - Syangboche (2-3 hours walk)

Day 4: Syangboche - Tengboche (4 hours walk)

Day 5: Tengboche - Dingboche (6 hours walk)

Day 6: Dingboche - Lobuche (5-6 hours walk)

Day 7: Lobuche-Gorakshep (3-4 hours walk)

Day 8: Gorakshep - Kalapatthar (3-4 hours walk)

Day 9: Kalapatthar - Chukkung (2 hours walk)

Day 10: Chukkung - Island Peak Base Camp (3-4 hours walk)

Day 11: Island Peak Base Camp - High Camp (4-5 hours walk)

Day 12: High camp - Island peak, return to Chukkung

Day 13: Chukkung - Tengboche (4-5 hours walk)

Day 14: Tengboche - Namche Bazaar (4 hours walk)

Day 15: Namche Bazaar - Lukla (8 hours walk)

Day 16: Lukla - Kathmandu (35 minutes flight)


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