Lobuche Peak Climbing – 12 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1245 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 5 Tage

Discover the ultimate challenge of Lobuche Peak Climbing in the Khumbu region, where thrill-seekers can reach the majestic top at 6,119 meters. This difficult trip delivers spectacular views, adrenaline-pumping climbs, and a sense of accomplishment as you stand atop one of Nepal’s most recognizable peaks.

Lobuche Peak lies in the Sagarmatha Zone, Solukhumbu district, close to Khumbu glacier, and in Lobuche village. It lies at a height of 6119m. There are 2 main peaks of Lobuche, Lobuche East, and Lobuche West.

According to the National Mountaineering Association of Nepal, Lobuche East is classified as Trekking Peak and Lobuche West as Expedition Peak. These two peaks are separated by a deep long notched ridge. There is a considerable distance which makes approaching the west peak impossible from the east peak.

On 1984 April 25, Laurence Neilson along with Sherpa mountaineer Ang Gyalzen made their first summit on Lobuche East. Again in 1955, Lobuche West was first climbed via the south shoulder.

Lobuche East remains popular among people and is also one of the most climbed peaks. The peak itself falls under the protection of Sagarmatha National Park which covers an area of 124,400 hectares.

The trail passes through the lush green forest which includes Juniper, fir, Himalayan Birch, Rhododendrons, and many more. You also get to see many endangered animals like snow leopards, bearded vultures, snowcocks, red pandas, etc. The spectacular view of Mount Everest, Khumbu Valley from its summit, and the amazing hospitality of Sherpa people are the main attraction of this trek.

This route takes around 15-17 days if you take proper rest and take some days off. This trek is quite expensive because it includes flights, trekking gear, clothes, and accommodations. The average price can range from 1500-2000$.

Lobuche Peak Climbing with Marvel Trek

Marvel Trek is a licensed expedition company. It has been providing the best facilities and services to its climbers since 1998 along with some great experiences. We not only keep your safety as the priority. But also guide you to fulfill your wish of experiencing the thrill of climbing a mountain. The entire team of Marvel Trek is full of professionals who will be there to support and guide you throughout your mountaineering adventures.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Kathmandu-Lukla- Phakding (35 minutes flight, 3 hours walk)

Day 2- Phakding-Namche bazar (5-6 hours walk)

Day 3- Namche Bazar-Phortse (5-6 hours walk)

Day 4- Phortse-Dingboche (6 hours walk)

Day 5- Dingboche-Lobuche (6 hours walk)

Day 6- Lobuche-Gorakshep-Everest base camp (8 hours walk)

Day 7- Everest base camp-Lobuche base camp (5 hours walk)

Day 8- Lobuche base camp-peak climbing, back to base camp (9-10 hours walk)

Day 9- base camp-Pheriche (6 hours walk)

Day 10- Pheriche-Namche Bazar (6 hours walk)

Day 11- Namche Bazar- Lukla (7 hours walk)

Day 12- Lukla-Kathmandu (35 minutes flight)


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