Cholatse Peak Climbing – 23 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1740 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Wochen 3 Tage

Cholatse Peak Climbing is an adventurous and challenging endeavor that calls for knowledge of and expertise with mountaineering. The climbing route includes challenging ice parts, high rock faces, and constricting ridges that require the right tools and knowledge.

Cholatse peak (6440m), also known as Jobo Lhaptshan, is a mountain peak between Gokyo and Khumbu valley of Nepal, which is connected to Taboche by a long ridge. The base of Mt Cholatse itself lies at the elevation of 4930m. Interestingly, a lake is just below this pass to the east.

In Tibetan, ‘Cho’ means lake, ‘La’ means a pass, and ‘Tse‘ means a peak, so the literal meaning of ‘Cholatse’ is a “lake pass peak.” Cholatse peak was first climbed by Vern Clevenger, Galen Rowell, John Roskelley, Bill O’Connor, and Peter Hackett via South Ridge on April 22, 1982. Climbers successfully climbed the North face in 1984. Ueli Steck successfully completed the solo ascent on April 15, 2005, through the north face.

The trail to Mount Cholatse offers astonishing views of many mountain peaks like Mount Everest, Nuptse, Cho-Oyu, Makalu, etc, along with the view of Gokyo lakes. The trail here passes through Sagarmatha National Park, allowing one to explore diverse flora and fauna. In this region, one can find rhododendrons, oaks, Himalayan Tahr, musk deer, etc.

Mount Cholatse presents a technical challenge surpassing other peaks in Nepal. This requires an experienced and skilled climber with good physical and mental fitness. Even though difficult, the number of climbers and climbs has recently accelerated.

Cholatse Peak Climbing is the perfect opportunity for experienced climbers looking for a difficult climb in the Himalayas. Also, it offers a chance to encounter the distinctive customs and cultures of the Sherpa people who reside in the Khumbu region.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival at Kathmandu

Day 2: Kathmandu - Lukla, trek to Phakding 30 minutes flight, 3-4 hours walk

Day 3: Phakding - Namche 5-6 hours walk

Day 4: Namche - Dole 6 hours walk

Day 5: Dole - Macchermo 5 hours walk

Day 6: Macchermo - Gokyo lake 5 hours walk

Day 7: Gokyo Lakes - Dragnak 4 hours walk

Day 8: Dragnak - Dzonglha via cho La pass 7 hours walk

Day 9: Dzonglha – Cholatse base camp 6 hours walk

Day 10-20: Climbing Period

Day 21: Cholatse Peak - Pangboche 5 hours walk

Day 22: Pangboche - Namche Bazaar 5-6 hours walk

Day 23: Namche Bazaar - Lukla- Kathmandu 7 hours walk, 30 minutes flight

Day 24: Rest day in Kathmandu


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