Three Passes Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 410 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 2 Tage

The Everest region is one of the most explored destinations in Nepal as it has so much to offer. Three passes trek which lies in the Everest region is its ultimate trekking adventure, crossing three passes over 5000m, Kongma La (5535m), Cho La (5380m), and Renjo La (5388m).

It is important to know that it is one of the most difficult treks and best suited for experienced trekkers. It follows the route of Everest base camp before splitting off and taking you all over 3 passes which offer an amazing view of the Himalayas and Mount Everest.

The trail passes through Sagarmatha National Park which includes lots of rare flora and fauna, several Sherpa settlements, remote alpine highland areas, beautiful landscapes, and the Khumbu glacier. Everest three passes trek provides thrill and adventure but requires great physical and mental fitness. Some mountaineering skills are also needed for this trek since the passes are frozen. Three pass trek is relatively less explored than an Everest base camp. So basically, you can enjoy a peaceful journey on the off-beaten path.

Marvel Trek is a licensed expedition company. It has been providing the best facilities and services to its climbers since 1998 along with some great experiences. We not only keep your safety as the priority. But also guide you to fulfill your wish of experiencing the thrill of climbing a mountain. The entire team of Marvel Trek is full of professionals who will be there to support and guide you throughout your mountaineering adventures.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Kathmandu - Lukla - Phakding, 35 minutes flight, 3 hours walk

Day 2- Phakding - Namche Bazaar, 5-6 hours walk

Day 3- Namche Bazaar - Thame, 6-7 hours walk

Day 4- Thame - Lungdhen, 4-5 hours walk

Day 5- Lungdhen - Renjo La- Gokyo, 8-9 hours walk

Day 6- Gokyo - Thangna, 4-5 hours walk

Day 7- Thangna - Cho La pass - Dzongla, 6-7 hours walk

Day 8- Dzongla - Lobuche, 3-4 hours walk

Day 9- Lobuche - Gorakshep - EBC, 7-8 hours walk

Day 10- Gorakshep - Kalapathhar - Lobuche, 6-7 hours walk

Day 11- Lobuche - Khong La - Chukkung, 8-9 hours walk

Day 12- Chukkung - Dengboche, 5-6 hours walk

Day 13- Dengboche - Tengboche, 3-4 hours walk

Day 14- Tengboche - Phakding, 8-9 hours walk

Day 15- Phakding - Lukla, 4-5 hours walk

Day 16- Lukla - Kathmandu, 35 minutes flight


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