Chulu West Peak Climbing – 13 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1355 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 6 Tage

Chulu West Peak Climbing is one of the most exciting adventure sports sport in Nepal. It is also one kind of the most popular activities while you are trekking. The mountain offers stunning and impressive views to the tourists which makes this activity even more attractive and adventurous.

Chulu West Peak is one of the most beautiful peaks in the Damodar Himal range. It is located in the Annapurna region. Additionally, it is a popular trekking peak. Chulu West stands at a height of 6419m from sea level. In 1952, a Japanese expedition made the first ascend to Chulu West. Since the peak is a trekking peak, Chulu West doesn’t come with many technical difficulties and challenges.

Experienced, as well as beginner trekkers with basic mountaineering ideas, can climb this peak. There is great confusion among climbers about this peak, whether the climb is in the east or in the west of the Chulu.

There are basically 4 summits on Chulu, of which 2 are from the east side and 2 from the west side. The west side route is slightly less technical and safe as compared to the route of the east side. The Chulu West has a grade of PD/3. The Chulu West Peak Climbing can be combined with the Annapurna circuit trek by just adding a few days to your journey.

The main reason behind Chulu West being so beautiful and popular is the top view the peak provides. To the south is the beautiful Tilicho Peak and Annapurna Himalayan range and to the north is the view of Tibet and China. Even though an easier peak climbing Chulu West requires excellent physical and mental fitness.

Outline Itinerary

Day 01: Kathmandu to Besisahar (7-8 hours drive)

Day 02: Basisahar to Chame (5-8 hours, drive)

Day 03: Trek to Pisang ( 4-6 hours walk)

Day 04: Trek to Manang (5 hours walk)

Day 05: Manang to Ledar (4-5 hours walk)

Day 06: Trek to Chulu base camp (3-4 hours walk)

Day 07: Base camp to High camp (2 hours walk)

Day 08: Summit Chulu West (6,419-meter) & back to base camp/high camp (9-10 hours walk)

Day 09: Base camp/High Camp trek to Thorong Phedi (4-5 hours walk)

Day 10: Trek to Muktinath through over Thorong La pass (8-9 hours walk)

Day 11: Trek to Jomsom, (6 hours walk)

Day 12: Fly back to Pokhara from Jomsom, or drive to Pokhara by Bus/Jeep

Day 13: Pokhara to Kathmandu (5 hours drive)


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