Chulu East Peak Climbing Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1810 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 4 Tage

Welcome to the breathtaking world of Chulu East Peak Climbing. Here, thrill-seekers and mountaineers can realize their ambitions of scaling the formidable Himalayan heights. Chulu East Peak is located in the heart of Nepal’s Annapurna range. It offers a thrilling challenge that combines stunning scenery. Climbing the peak provides a profound sense of accomplishment.

Chulu East Peak offers a memorable experience unlike any other, whether you are an expert climber looking for a new challenge or an enthusiastic explorer prepared to set out on a life-changing expedition. It is one of the most popular climbing locations in the area, rising tall at a magnificent elevation of 6,584 meters (21,601 feet).

As we travel through rocky terrain, lush valleys, and traditional Nepalese villages, we start to experience the real adventure and immerse ourselves in the rich local culture and kind hospitality of the Gurung and Thakali populations. As we climb higher, the journey gets harder and harder, but it also rewards climbers with breathtaking views of the Annapurna Massif, which includes the towering Annapurna II, III, and IV peaks as well as the Gangapurna and Manaslu.

This incredible adventure is set against a constantly shifting backdrop of varied landscapes, ranging from dense rhododendron woods to arid high-altitude plateaus. Climbing Chulu East Peak demands good physical condition, mountaineering expertise, and acclimatization. You will be accompanied by knowledgeable guides and Sherpas who will ensure your safety and provide you with direction during the trek.

They will be there to accompany you while you navigate difficult terrain and deal with high-altitude conditions, allowing you to concentrate on the thrill of the climb and the breathtaking beauty that surrounds you. Hence, Chulu East Peak Climbing guarantees a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that will leave you with priceless memories and a deep sense of accomplishment.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- arrival at Kathmandu

Day 2- Kathmandu- Besishahar

Day 3- Besishahar- Dharapani

Day 4- Dharapani- Chame

Day 5- Chame- Upper Pisang

Day 6- upper Pisang- Barka

Day 7- Barka- Ngwal

Day 8- Ngwal-Yak kharka

Day 9- yak kharka- Chulu east base camp

Day 10- Chulu east base camp – high camp

Day 11- high camp- Chulu east peak and back to base camp

Day 12-base camp- Manang

Day 13- Manang- yak kharka

Day 14- yak kharka- Thorang Phedi

Day 15- Thorang Phedi- Muktinath

Day 16- Muktinath- Jomsom

Day 17- Jomsom – Pokhara

Day 18- Pokhara - Kathmandu


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