Thorong La Pass and Tilicho Lake Trekking – 15 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 640 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 1 Tag

Thorong La Pass and Tilicho Lake Trekking is Nepal’s most beautiful and explored destination. This trek takes us through one of the highest Lakes along with the highest mountain pass. Above all, Tilicho Lake is the world’s highest lake at an altitude of 4919m.

The glacial melt of the Northern slope of Annapurna Mountain and Thorong Peak formed Tilicho Lake. Thorong La Pass is the highest altitude of this trek at 5416m. The trail passes through deep gorges and high mountain passes like Thorong La Pass. You will also visit Buddhist and Hindu temples, Rhododendron forests, and beautiful villages.

In addition, the Annapurna circuit offers a panoramic view of Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Macchapuchre, Manaslu, and Tukuche. Also, Being highly protected by Annapurna Conservation Area, you can witness rare animals like snow leopards, Jackals, Himalayan Tahr, blue sheep, birds, and many florae.

Thorong La Pass and Tilicho Lake Trekking start with a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Besishahar. After that traveling through Manang Valley, you reach the beautiful Tilicho Lake. Again, passing through Yak Kharka and Thorong Phedi, you reach the Thorong La pass. Crossing Thorong La pass is the difficult part of this trek.

This is the standard route of the Annapurna circuit trek with Tilicho Lake and might take 18-20 days if you take proper rest and days off.

Outline Itinerary

Day 01: Kathmandu Arrival

Day 02: Kathmandu to Besishahar, 7 hours drive

Day 03: Besishahar to Chame, 5 hours drive

Day 04: Chame to Pisang, 5-6 hours trek

Day 05: Pisang to Manang 5-6 hours trek

Day 06: Manang to Siri Kharka, 4-5 hours trek

Day 07: Siri Kharka to Tilicho Base Camp, 5-6 hours trek

Day 08: Visit Tilicho Lake then back to Siri Kharka: 5-6 hours trek

Day 09: Siri Kharka to Yak Kharka 4-5 hours trek

Day 10: Yak Kharka to Thorang Phedi, 3-4 hours trek

Day 11: Thorong Phedi over the Thorong La pass to Muktinath, 8 hours trek

Day 12: Muktinath to Tatopani, 4 hours drive

Day 13: Tatopani to Ghorepani, 4-5 hours trek

Day 14: Ghorepani to Poon Hill

Day 15: Tikhedhunga to Nayapul, Drive Nayapul to Pokhara: 3-4 hours trek, 1.5 hours drive


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