Mardi Himal Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 570 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 2 Tage

The Mardi Himal Trek offers a perfect opportunity for exploring the beautiful Himalayan region of Nepal. It is a short and lesser-known trekking destination in Nepal. Mardi Himal a 5,587-meter peak, lies in the Gandaki zone, east of the Annapurna region beneath the prominent Macchapuchre. The base camp itself lies at an altitude of 4500m. It was first submitted in 1961 by Basil Goodfellow. After then, peak climbing opened officially in 2012. In fact, the launch started with the establishment of many teahouses or lodges.

Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek offers an amazing view of snow-capped mountains like Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Macchapuchre, and Manaslu ranges. The trail to Mardi Himal passes through Australian camp, Pothana, Mardi Himal base camp, siding village, and Lwang. This area is highly protected by Annapurna Conservation Area. Here, you can witness several Flora and Fauna. Moreover, you also get to see the beautiful Rhododendron and oak forests, beautiful lakes, and waterfalls. The trek basically gives us an amazing experience with many Magar and Gurung people.

This trek is the dream of many mountaineers who wanted to see different sides of the world. No doubt, it is one of the most thrilling and rewarding experiences you can ever have. You will explore a variety of sceneries and cultures on this tour. Apart from these, the adventure will take you to snowy forests and valleys, high Himalayas, and beautiful lakes filled with crystal clear water.

Outline Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival, hotel transfer & welcome dinner O/N hotel (D)

Day 02: After breakfast fly to Pokhara (915m.)

and drive to Kande & trek to Pothana (1890m.) 4 hours. O/N lodge

Day 03: Trek to forest Camp (2600m.) 5 hrs. O/N lodge

Day 04: Trek to High Camp (3900m.) via low Camp (3050m.) 5 hrs. O/N lodge

Day 05: Hike to Base Camp (4500m.) explore, and back to high camp. 6 hrs. O/N lodge

Day 06: Trek back to Siding (1700m.) 5 hrs. O/N lodge

Day 07: Drive back to Pokhara. 4 hrs. O/N hotel

Day 08: Fly or drive to Kathmandu O/N hotel (B D)

Day 09: Final Departure


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